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Uplifting Sampler - Black Sage (Mugwort), Palo Santo, and Wild Lavender Bundles, Wildcrafted

Uplifting Sampler - Black Sage (Mugwort), Palo Santo, and Wild Lavender Bundles, Wildcrafted

Regular price $18.50
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*This item can not be shipped to Louisiana. 

Size: 4.25-5” L x 1” W 1 Piece of Each Black Sage & Wild Lavender, 1 oz Net Wt of Palo Santo

Black Sage (Artemisia vulgaris) Black Sage stick (Mugwort stick) is a sacred herb to Artemis, a Greek moon goddess. The stick surpasses other herbs, including the white sage, in its protective, cleansing, and decluttering powers. Smudging spiritual benefits include inducing prophetic dreams, protection with shamanic journeying, astral travel, crystal grazing, etc. Black Sage is used for removing the negative energy from a person, place, or space. The Native Americans also use black sage in spiritual journeys. Black Sage is wildly known as Mugwort, a sacred plant used for physic vision and vivid dreams. This herb can be burned during divination and to raise energy in areas. It is known that burning some in the bedroom before sleeping can aid in peaceful sleep and is known to induce lucid dreams. Black Sage is used during Shamanic rites for astral projection, shamanic journeys, protection, and prophetic vision.

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens), also known as “holy wood”, has a very fresh and resinous smell with hints of mint and citrus—proving to be one of the most fragrant woods in the world. It is often used in ceremonial practices for cleansing, protection, inspiring creativity, and for infusing blessing and love, or simply for the pleasant aroma.

Wild Lavender (Salvia mellifera), also known as Purple Sage, has a clean, flowery fragrance. It is often used in ceremonial practices for cleansing and protection, while helping create a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere. It is also used for inspiring love and attracting positive energy, or burned simply for the pleasant aroma.

All of our Smudge Stick varieties come from ethical Wildcrafters, and are gathered in a responsibly, ecologically sound, and respectful way. The plants were not harmed and nothing was wasted.

Our Palo Santo Smudge Sticks are from an ethical Wildcrafter in Peru, and they were gathered in a responsibly, ecologically sound and respectful way. Only the fallen branches and twigs of the tree are harvested, which is regulated by the government of Peru to ensure that the trees do not become overharvested. The plants were not harmed and nothing was wasted. Palo Santo is on the endangered list; therefore, our supplier does replant Palo Santo trees on the land to meet increased demand in the future.

Please Note: All sizes are approximate and may vary.

Warning: Adult supervision required. Avoid smudging if pregnant. Keep children and animals away from lit smudges. Do not leave lit smudges unattended.

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