Stone Pendant
Stone Pendant
Every Stone is unique, consisting of a premium quality stone. This item is made by skilled artisans.
Silver Plated - Approximately .5" to 1"
Amethyst - (Semi-Precious) “The Stone of Peace & Spiritual Growth” It brings tranquility, relieves stress, soothes irritability, balances mood, brings restful sleep, dispels fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Shields from energy drain. Aids in overcoming addiction and bad habits.
Blue Aventurine - (Semi-Precious) balances emotions, assists karmic healing, aids leadership qualities. Good for calming anxiety and fears.
Blue Goldstone - is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. It is the stone of confidence and ambition, encouraging motivation and drive. It has a positive energy, which makes it an uplifting stone while also promoting vitality.
Brecciated Jasper - (Semi-Precious) provides mental clarity and focus to its wearer. The uplifting stone may help to increase organization and decrease stress. Jaspers in general have been viewed as symbolizing the variety that is the Earth, and all the balance and grounding that implies.
Carnelian - (Semi-Precious) “stone of creativity” A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality, motivation, stimulates creativity and passion. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. Also called a Performer’s stone.
Cherry Quartz - (Semi-Precious) brings new energy, emotional healing, enhances memory, brings joy, helps to see the bigger picture and find the right path, brings hope and optimism.
Clear Quartz - (Semi-Precious) “stone of spiritual strength”. Master healer and amplifier. Removes mental blocks, helps relax. A good stone for meditation and cleansing.
Dyed Blue Quartz: (Semi-Precious) master healer and amplifier. Removes mental block, helps relax. A good stone for meditation.
Golden Tiger Eye - (Semi-Precious) "Stone of the Mind". Powerful grounding stone that helps to release fear and anxiety, aids harmony, and provides balance. Gold Tiger eye also stimulates taking action, and helps to make decisions, unclouded by emotions. Stimulates creativity, vitality, energy, personal power, boosts self confidence, gives courage for change, brings optimism.
Grey Map Jasper - (Semi-Precious) Grey Jasper is a great stone for dissolving melancholy energy and whisking away negativity. For those who work in high stress environments, grey jasper is great for absorbing and dissipating stress. When you work with this gemstone it can bring a sense of relief and peace from within; facilitating a more uniform field of emotion.
Howlite Dyed Blue - (Semi-Precious) Howlite is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. Formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. A calming stone, Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression.
Llanite - (Semi-Precious) Also known as Que Sera (From Brazil), Llanite (From Llano County Texas) is a stone of compassion, understanding, peace, and harmony. It opens, activates, and heals the Heart Chakra, to open our hearts to others and heal our emotional connection to ourselves, along with the Third Eye Chakra to offer us a connection to divine wisdom and insight.
Mahogany Obsidian - (Semi-Precious) The protective energies of this stone will also shield you from any kind of negative psychic attacks. It will keep you safe and grounded, and it will help you attune to the protective energies of the stone anytime you need to. Mahogany Obsidian will also make you focus on the abundance in your life and help you let go of feelings of lack or dissatisfaction. Mahogany Obsidian is also known as the stone of strength. This stone will build your strength in times of need. It will give you the personal willpower to conquer your fears and overcome your challenges.
Malachite, Imitation: Imitation stones convey joy.
Mookaite - (Semi-Precious) Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change.
Opalite - is a wonderfully serene crystal. It is a stone of love, but only rewards faithful lovers. It is said to help form lasting romantic bonds. Opalite is believed to alleviate depression, soothe frayed nerves and help us to step away from anxiety. It is said to bring inner peace and a sense of calm in any situation.
Picture Jasper - (Semi-Precious) is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. Its grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. It is said to encourage creative visualization, creativity and business pursuits and promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet, encouraging a desire to care for and protect it; it is also said to help alleviate fear.
Red Gold Stone - (Semi-Precious) is said to be the stone of Confidence and ambition, encouraging motivation and drive. It encourages a positive attitude, it is an uplifting stone, Goldstone is said to promote vitality, and help to lift anxious people to a happier mindset. Goldstone's sparkle comes from flecks of copper set in glass.
Rose Quartz - (Semi-Precious) “Stone of unconditional love”. Helps to open the heart for true love and friendship. Nurturing and comforting energy. Brings inner peace, self acceptance, kindness, empathy, aids emotional healing, eases stress and social anxiety.
Ruby Zoisite - (Semi-Precious) creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilize talents and abilities of the mind. It stimulates psychic abilities. Increases awareness of one's individuality. It instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life. “Self-Development”
Snowflake Obsidian - (Semi-Precious Volcanic Glass) “stone of purity”. It is a stone of support, protection, truth, and purity. It provides balance for the body, mind and spirit. It helps to recognize and remove negativity, aids in meditation, transformation, promotes inner centering and grounding.
Snow Quartz - (Semi-Precious) has a soft feminine energy that will balance your yin and yang energies and align your chakras. It will facilitate alertness during tense moments and mental clarity during meditation. Snow Quartz will teach you about discretion, patience, and discernment in both your personal and professional relationships.
Sodalite - (Semi-Precious) It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalization of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. It also helps with learning, logic and aids in writing. Also called a Poet’s Stone.
Yellow Agate - (Semi-Precious) increases self-esteem, self-worth, confidence, and happiness. It attracts prosperity and success, brings strength, and also encourages greater optimism and creativity.
Yellow Aventurine - (Semi-Precious) is a very unique gemstone with powerful attributes which can change your life in mysterious ways. This stone represents self-reflection, prosperity, calmness, balance, optimism, and creativity.
*Chain Sold Separately
Each stone piece is unique. The pictures shown here give a general idea of the product.
This is a beautiful piece that will make a great addition to any jewelry collection!